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Servicing This Community For 132 Years!
Competitive Rates On Homeowners & Farm Insurance!
Who Owns Us? Our Policyholders!
Local Support From Local Agents!

Who is Farmer's Mutual of Noble County

Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company of Noble County was chartered in the state of Indiana in 1892, to serve the farming community which was not being done by the national companies of that time. As more and more people borrowed money to finance their farming operations, it became evident that mortgage companies needed to protect their investment, so Farmer's Mutual filled that void.

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Our Advantage

A Farmer Mutual's profit are used to keep rates low for shareholders. Shareholders have the opportunity to be involved in the decision making process at our annual shareholder's meeting every June.

Local Service
Why call into a call center, who is not local and doesn't care about your needs?

132 Years of Service
We feel our longevity is due to our focus on service.

Community Oriented
Since we are local, we care about our community. We support numerous community organizations.

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What our client says

"My wife recently got into a fender bender and Farmers Mutual of Noble County went out of their way to make sure our situation was resolved. I can't say that about my previous insurance company."